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  • The origins of printer ink: A dive into the past

    Hello everyone, technology enthusiasts and history buffs! Today, we embark on a captivating journey to uncover the hidden mysteries behind one of the most enigmatic things in our modern offices: printer ink. Sit back comfortably, grab a cup of coffee (or two, we're not judging) and get ready to laugh and learn at the same time! What appeared first: the printer or the ink cartridge? A tale as old as time. To understand where this colored substance that seems to disappear faster than the speed of light comes from, we must go back in time. Let's return to a time when printers were not as common as flies on a honey pot. Yes, I'm talking about the distant past of the 1950s. At that time, printing was more a matter of professionals. Printing houses were mysterious places, full of noisy machines and ink that stained everything, including your hopes for a clean shirt. But where on earth did this ink come from? Well, my friends, it came from a place as unexpected as your great-aunt starting to dance salsa after a few glasses of wine: the octopuses! Yes, you read that right. These intelligent, tentacled marine creatures were the original suppliers of printing ink. Their ink, called sepia, was widely used in the early days of printing. Imagine that: octopuses working like chemists, concocting ink for our first printed masterpieces. That's a picture worth framing, isn't it? Now, I know what you’re thinking: "But how on earth did octopuses get into this business?" Well, it's a story as funny as it is surprising. One day, an octopus named Octavius (I swear it's true) decided it was time to leave his monotonous life in the depths of the ocean for something more exciting. He came out of the water and found a job at a local print shop. The rest, as they say, is history. Octavius became the undisputed master of ink production, and octopuses around the world followed his example. But like all good things, this era of octopus ink came to an end. Humans began to realize that it was not very ethical to exploit octopuses in this way. Moreover, it was difficult to convince them to work on holidays. So, the printing industry had to find an alternative. This is how we arrived at the next stage of our journey in the world of ink: the era of synthetic inks. Scientists got to work, mixing chemicals in laboratories to recreate the perfect ink. But let's be honest, it wasn't always a story of instant success. There were a few laboratory accidents worthy of a horror movie, with scientists looking like less elegant versions of Frankenstein. Eventually, after a lot of work and sweat (and probably a few tears), they managed to create inks that could compete with those of the octopuses. These synthetic inks were easier to produce, cheaper, and most importantly, no one cared if they missed the company's Christmas party. Now, you might be wondering: "Okay, but why does modern printer ink still cost a fortune?" Well, my friend, that's where things get really interesting. You see, printer ink has become a kind of magic potion for printer manufacturers. They realized that if they could sell the printers at low prices, they could make their money back by selling ink at exorbitant prices. It's like buying a cheap car, but having to pay the price of a kidney to get gasoline. And that's how we've come to the modern era, where printer ink is more precious than gold and where octopuses can finally enjoy their well-deserved retirement. So the next time you load your printer with ink, take a moment to think about all the journey from the days of Octavius and his aquatic comrades.

  • Compatible products should not scare you

    The printer ink war: We're settling this once and for all. Everyone has been fooled at least once by buying ink cartridges on Ebay or Amazon thinking they could save money; myself included. The operation of a generic (or compatible) cartridge is identical to the operation of a medicine. The generic version is an identical copy that fulfills the same functions and needs as the original product. In the compatible version, you will enjoy the same number of prints, the same quality and guaranteed compatibility. If you are not satisfied with your product, we will take it back. All our products come with our famous lifetime warranty. Oh, Canada ​ The difference when buying from Encre 2G is that we guarantee you a quality product made in Canada. We do business with Canadian manufacturers with whom we have been working hand in hand since 2007. Less overhead, lower prices! ​ The headquarters is located in Beauport, Quebec. However, we do not have any physical stores. All our transactions are done online. This is why our prices are so low and we can stay competitive. Long live the ink revolution. With gratitude and magenta,

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